"Team Building" Posts
CBS Consulting Reviews: The Business Is No Longer Run As A One Man Show

From a modest start as a small oilfield meter repair shop over forty years ago, this energy industry business had grown from an “average of 19 employees to 37 employees, in the past year. I purchased two more buildings and thought that I was ready for expansion. Only, I was a mom and pop shop, running the entire business on my shoulders.
Approximately nine months into this new venture, I found myself over my head. I was losing money due to poor management strategies and lack of basic business principles. I was watching my cash go out and ended …
Teamwork: All Eight Oars In At The Perfect Time

“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships,” said Michael Jordan. Those words, spoken by a six time NBA champion and one of the sports world’s top superstars, apply not only to sports teams, but to almost every endeavor in life.
Winning teams may have at least one superstar on its roster, but how many championship teams are composed of nothing but superstars? Not many, if any, at all. What they all do possess is an organization built on talented players, working as a single unit, executing a well designed plan.
A perfect example of this winning combination is …
CBS Reviews: Turned Weakness Into Strength

Even before the start of this Corporate Business Solutions engagement, it was necessary for the CBS representative to cross the rifts that had formed between the three owners of this well established (over 40 years) manufacturer of commercial signage. He “held up under hours of uncomfortable dialogue between the owners … until we finally agreed to hire CBS.” The second generation owners direly needed training on how to work together and balance out each other’s strengths and weaknesses as a management team in order to keep the business running.
“As our company was entering the fourth quarter, we found …
CBS Consulting Asks: Does Your Business Need Spring Training?

The pop of a baseball smacking into a catcher’s mitt. The crack of a bat sending a line drive into the outfield. The grunt of men doing wind sprints…
These sounds are a definite sign that spring is just around the corner!
Sites, in both Florida and Arizona, host the thirty Major League baseball teams’ Spring Training. This annual event is both highly practical as well as significantly symbolic.
Every spring, hundreds of hopeful young ball players are given the opportunity to participate in the training camps of these major league teams. They have the chance to “show their stuff” …
Softball—The Traditional Team Building Exercise

While some new-age management consultants may advise dropping backwards into a colleague’s arms (and trusting him or her to catch you), here at Corporate Business Solutions, we appreciate the team bonding that naturally occurs when playing softball.
Not to mention that it’s also great exercise!
We’re part of a Park District League where we have the opportunity to play against other local area businesses. Frankly, there are even some networking opportunities to be found in hitting the fields. Come check out the highlights from one of our recent games!