10 N Martingale Rd. Suite 400 60173
Schaumburg, IL
60173 USA

CBS Reviews: No Ceiling On Success!

No Ceiling on Growth


An interior design and sub-contracting firm, specializing in commercial ceiling, wall and floor treatments, hired Corporate Business Solutions for management and operational improvements.  “Our company had enjoyed some growth, but we’ve had far too much employee dissatisfaction.  Much of this was due to our still operating as a ‘Ma & Pa shop’ in many ways.”


The client expressed, initially, feeling uncertain about what to expect when the two CBS consultants, two strangers, arrived and moved into the company’s conference room.  They did not remain strangers.  The client was pleased to share “there is a great transformation taking place within our office because of them.  Their steady hands on the wheel won over even our most difficult employees to trust and believe in the reason why they were there.”

Additionally, management has become a team with their consultants’ guidance.  “One of our greatest gains was the consultants helping our managers recognize and understand their own and each others’ weaknesses.  This knowledge has helped us to understand how to better manage ourselves as well as assist each other in managing as a team. 

Now our PM’s are armed with a new, much smarter way of bidding and obtaining work!  Both management and PM’s more fully understand what our true costs are and how we can leverage this knowledge.  Over the next several months, we will be working on hiring more support people for our staff and making certain that there is more than one person able to handle every task at our company.  I’ve come to realize that my employees, my management team and, even, myself are capable of much more than I had given us credit.”


“Growth was becoming a four-letter word, but, now, I’m looking forward to seeing where our unshackled business can go!”  Michael, President