10 N Martingale Rd. Suite 400 60173
Schaumburg, IL
60173 USA

CBS Reviews: Assisted In Both Business & Charity Goals

Assisted In Both


An electrical contracting company sought out Corporate Business Solutions’ services not for business, but for personal reasons.  “Our business was doing well.  Our sales were increasing and our costs were under control.  Our operations were running in a forward direction, we had plenty of work to keep us busy and a great customer. 

It would seem that for a business that just had its fifth birthday that things were going exceptionally well to anyone looking, however, the family was suffering.  Added burdens and family strife had crept through the doors in our company.  We wanted to move past family problems and take our company further than we knew how.”

One of the main intentions that the owners had was to give back to the community, but this purpose had been derailed.


Their CBS consultant “has helped our company onto the next level.”

“He helped us get there through many innovative ideas and implementations.  He has helped us also deal with some of our family issues.  Developing a mission statement not only unified the employees and the owners, but also brought the owners back together. 

 There is now the understanding that our business is not just a business, but that it can be used to changes lives.”


“His commitment to our company’s success is parallel only with that of the owners.  His skills can assist any company with the business issues that they are facing.”  Additionally, this engagement was also about helping the company “do the Lord’s work.  We are now on track to build a church in our community.  Our consultant has shared in the joy of this goal and being part of making it happen.”   Justin, President