"Working at Corporate Business Solutions" Posts
Announcing FIGHT CLUB At Corporate Business Solutions!

We started recruiting early for FIGHT CLUB, the CBS corporate team participating in the American Cancer Society’s ‘Make Strides Against Breast Cancer’ walk. Although, our local event is not being held until October, we set up a table in July to encourage sign-up with free healthy snacks of bottled water and cups of trail mix.
Fighting cancer is a passion for us. We’ve lost coworkers, family and friends as well as supported those who have become survivors. The name FIGHT CLUB was selected for our team to represent our commitment to fighting breast cancer (as well as all other types …
An Award Recognizing A Great Role Model!

Jason was a long-time employee of CBS, before he passed away of cancer at only 34 years of age. We have his photo prominently displayed in our office and, at this year’s Annual Meeting, an award was presented to further honor and keep Jason’s memory alive among his friends and coworkers.
A huge void, now, exists in the corporate services department, where Jason once worked. In the words of his supervisor, Rich, “Jason’s passion for life was incredible. His work ethic, especially during his treatments, was outstanding. His wittiness, humor, and positive outlook were amazing.”
This award, to be …
Wearing The Green!

At Corporate Business Solutions, we showed our St. Patrick’s Day spirit by wearing green attire and accessories! Here are some scrapbook worthy highlights!
Easy Riders At Corporate Business Solutions

After a long winter (so long that we skipped spring), summer had finally arrived with a day that featured balmy temperatures reaching eighty degrees. For the first time, bikes of all shapes and sizes appeared in the employee parking lot. Whatever your taste, classic or custom, we had vehicles that would appeal! David, Brent and Jocelyn were kind enough to pose with their lean, mean, riding machines.
Extra thanks to Jocelyn for sending a photo of herself with
her scooter (since she didn’t drive it to work that day) for this blog!
Paint By Numbers—Make That Your Productivity Numbers!

Tony is working on increasing our productivity!
We’ve been refreshing our offices with a fresh coat of paint at Corporate Business Solutions and it’s an excellent time to share some research into the connection between work and your workspace. Although it may seem frivolous, environment can impact how employees work as well as how your customers and/or clients feel when visiting.
I came across this intriguing interview with Angela Wright, a color psychologist, who has consulted with numerous Fortune 500 companies. She shares that there are no ‘bad’ or ‘good’ colors. Different colors affect people differently, so depending …
The Art of Office Space

Elizabeth’s office is full of drama. The soft green walls turn richer and deeper in hue when the overhead lights are switched off and the jeweled tones of her numerous Tiffany style stained glass lamps glow upon the clean simple lines of her desk.
She recommends decorating an office to your personal taste, “Most people function better in an office where they feel comfortable.” Elizabeth’s degrees and certificates are framed and hung on the other wall space, but her favorite part of her office décor would be the photos of her children. “Lighting, temperature, along with decoration and arrangement of …
CBS Employees Rally For Our ‘DRESS FOR SUCCESS’ Donation Drive!

Loading Up the First Batch of Donations
We’ve been astonished by both the quantity and the quality of the new and/or gently used business attire—clothing, accessories and shoes suitable for job interviews, which has been donated by CBS employees for our ‘DRESS FOR SUCCESS’ clothing drive.
Donations are being collected for the Howard Area Community Center which provides career and skill training for the unemployed, among many other services.
Employees have been so generous that we’ve had to empty the boxes located in the reception area, early, to make room for more donations!…
Not a Dairy Queen Commercial, But…

After singing ‘Happy Birthday,’ celebrating a birthday Corporate Business Solutions style means DQ’s Dilly Bars for all! Ah, sweet indulgence… Happy Birthday, Tina!…