"Strategic Planning" Posts
CBS Consulting Asks: Does Your Business Need Spring Training?

The pop of a baseball smacking into a catcher’s mitt. The crack of a bat sending a line drive into the outfield. The grunt of men doing wind sprints…
These sounds are a definite sign that spring is just around the corner!
Sites, in both Florida and Arizona, host the thirty Major League baseball teams’ Spring Training. This annual event is both highly practical as well as significantly symbolic.
Every spring, hundreds of hopeful young ball players are given the opportunity to participate in the training camps of these major league teams. They have the chance to “show their stuff” …
Protecting Your Small Business From Employee Negligence

A deadly crash in Springfield, Missouri caused by a truck driver (an immigrant who was appealing an order of deportation by the Department of Homeland Security) raises anew the liability risks that employers face.
On Wednesday morning, March 28, 2013, the trucking firm employee, who was driving from California to Missouri, plowed into the back of a car sitting at a stop sign, killing both the driver and a passenger.
The truck was estimated to be traveling at 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. The driver of the truck was also in violation of the Department of Transportation ‘Hours …
Get A Jump On Your Competition With An Annual Review In Q4!

It is often said that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over, again, and expect different results. All too often, small business owners are hoping that business will improve, but they fail to take the most elementary step to make it happen—conducting a comprehensive review of their annual performance.
A Must For Success!
Annual reviews are viewed as a ‘must’ for success. All major corporations, today, arrange for the annual review as part of their normal business operating procedures. Annual reviews are considered to be a ‘best practice’ among industry leaders. Additionally, Wall Street …
Make Sense For A Change
How to effectively reduce your business taxes
Remember when…Alice fell down the rabbit hole and found that nothing really made sense? Is that how you felt when the only suggestion offered by your accountant to reduce taxes was to buy more equipment? Did you feel like you were spending the proverbial dollar to save a quarter?
For many small business owners, this is the only advice they receive and, sadly, too many choose to follow their accountant’s advice and purchase equipment that is simply not needed in an effort to claim the available “depreciation” deductions. When this advice is followed, …
Ask The Expert: Strategic Planning
It takes strategic planning and an implemented recruiting system to be successful in the search for a top employee.
But not every company is geared up for the arduous task of recruiting. It takes time, money and a plan to get the process going and ensure success.
Clearly, a strong recruitment plan is expensive. What are some of the possible recruiting costs?
There are many, and they include advertisements and promotional company materials such as brochures, DVDs or other print or multimedia products you create. Also, don’t forget about the recruiter’s salary, if you use one.
There are also costs …
Ask The Expert
Why is a succession plan important for a business owner?
The average business owner spends approximately 10 hours per day, six days per week to get the business to the point where it can provide a measure of security and comfort for the owner’s family. At some point, control of the business will be transferred, often to a family member. Succession planning is necessary to ensure the successful transfer of the owner’s interest and should not be written and applied without a business valuation assessment to know the owner’s total business worth. Regular valuations of the business, in combination with …
Estate Planning And The Importance Of Making Decisions Your Own
The importance of having an up-to-date estate plan in place cannot be overstated. Unfortunately for many, the decision to put an estate plan in place often never materializes until the experience of a life altering event, such as marriage or the birth of a child. All too often, people fail to put an estate plan in place leaving extremely important and personal decisions about the distribution of estate assets, guardianship for minor children and decisions affecting life sustaining medical treatment to others who may have little or no knowledge about the personal affairs. The decisions mentioned above could certainly be …
Coming Into A Windfall
As the “Boomers” are coming of age, the possibilities of financial windfalls have never been greater. Coming into money can be a life-altering event regardless of the circumstances surrounding the situation.
Whether your windfall is thousands or millions of dollars, wise planning can make those dollars work to improve your family’s financial future for this generation and for generations to come.
Take a moment to ask yourself a few important questions:
- “What does wealth mean to me?”
- “Am I a saver or a spender?”
- “Do I live above or below my means?”
- “What is my opinion regarding debt?”
The receipt …
Protect Your Legacy
Procrastination – it is characterized as the deferment or avoidance of an action or task to a later time. If you procrastinate on your duty to clean out the garage, the result is a cluttered and dirty space. If you procrastinate on the reviewing and updating of your tax plan, you are costing yourself money. Writing checks to the IRS becomes a painful reminder of that procrastination. If those quarterly checks don’t motivate you, what will?
Would you like to split up to half of your accumulated wealth with the government, jeopardize the future viability of the family business, …