10 N Martingale Rd. Suite 400 60173
Schaumburg, IL
60173 USA

"Management" Posts

Hire That Lawyer

16 things you need to know…When hiring and managing a lawyer

It is often said that we are a nation of laws. We may find ourselves in a situation where we have to hire a lawyer to interpret the law, or in cases that are not absolutely clear, to provide a judgment on what the law is likely to be.

In many cases, interpretation of law and judgment concerning risks is the application of the cost benefit judgment that we use all the time in our daily lives. To soften the prospect of hiring a lawyer, there are some considerations …

Because I’ve Always Done It That Way

Approximately 90% of 3rd and 4th generation businesses fail. Why?

“I’ve always done it that way” is a phrase commonly used by many owners of both small and large businesses. I’m sure you have uttered those same words in response to being questioned as to why you do something a certain way. “I’ve always done it that way” is a great response for when you don’t have the answer and, when spoken firmly enough, the person asking the question accepts this response. Use the phrase often enough and you will begin to believe it yourself.

The reality of that particular …

6 Sins

By Dan Schneider as featured in Construction Today

Owners can make SIX CRITICAL MISTAKES in managing their businesses. Are you making any of them?

Surviving in today’s business world is more difficult than we have witnessed ever before. Small- and mid-sized businesses are failing at a rate that has not occurred in more than 60 years. An analysis of the reasons for this high rate of failure quickly points to the following fundamental errors made by business owners.

A passive sales process.

Business owners rely on their existing relationships—usually one or two customers—to provide them with enough business to pay …