"Here at CBS" Posts
Celebrating Thanksgiving at Corporate Business Solutions

Our Thanksgiving gathering was an all day nibbler’s buffet with crockpots heating up even more entrees to be served after the first round of appetizers disappeared. The spread included BBQ meatballs, cheeseburger dip, taco dip, chicken wings, and cheese & sausage trays, among other tempting choices on display.
Yummy! Andrea reveals her dish!
Joe made his world famous Buffalo Chicken Dip (visit us on Facebook for the recipe)!
Deb made this adorable ‘turkey’ cheeseball centerpiece.
Be sure to save room for dessert!
As we embark upon the holiday season, we’d like to express our gratitude …
A Fall Treat!

No tricking, just treating, as Tina hands out autumn leaves and bowls of candy to every department at Corporate Business Solutions! Our Halloween candy is ordered from a former client and it is a beloved tradition, which employees look forward to every year!
Free Flu Shots For All Employees!

As flu season fast approaches, our workplace is ready with free flu shots, which are offered to all interested employees. It’s a popular benefit. Employees cheerfully line-up and wait their turn!
Heading to our conference room is way more convenient than making a doctor’s appointment or stopping by a wellness clinic to obtain the vaccine. All that is required by employees is to take care of some paperwork (filling in a form asking if we have any allergies, currently have a fever, etc.) and to read a sheet listing all the possible side effects and risks, “which are usually mild …
Time Again, For The Walk & Roll For CMTA!

Once again, Liza reached out to her coworkers at Corporate Business Solutions to sponsor her family’s team at the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association’s annual fundraising event, benefiting the Strategy to Accelerate Research (STAR).
See the t-shirt to know how to pronounce it. Funny name, serious disease.
Liza’s nephew, Lorenzo, is being held by Liza’s friend, Matteo.
CMT (which her brother-in-law, Tony, has—he’s the gentleman in the CMT t-shirt) is a slowly progressive peripheral neuropathy, which results in muscular atrophy and sensory loss in the arms and legs as well as chronic pain. Although not well known, it is actually the most …
Pin-Ups For The American Red Cross!

We had extra fun this year while signing up CBS employees for the corporate blood drive to benefit the American Red Cross. Everyone that registered received their very own Red Cross nurse’s cap. Here are just a few our charitable pin-ups, who truly give of themselves!
We’re delighted to announce that we booked the maximum number of donors that the Red Cross could accommodate for appointments (actually, we exceeded it by three)! Tip of the hat to all of our wonderful volunteers!
Even President Tyler Burgess strikes a pose.
He was also the first donor appointment of the blood …
Our Ice Bucket Challenge Went To The Dogs (& Cats)!

When we organized our corporate Ice Bucket Challenge at Corporate Business Solutions, we made a few changes. Basically, everyone that was challenged was asked to make a donation, whether or not they accepted the challenge. Those who accepted, still made a donation, but they could then challenge three other people at our workplace to participate. Additionally, we recognized that there are many worthy charities and we left the choice of charity up to the individual donor. All we asked was to have a donation receipt emailed, so that we could tally the total amount collected.
Supporting a ‘Pet’ Charity
Athena, …
We Have A Music Video Director At CBS!

Jeff (center) poses with the members of Stryper.
Check out the fan video that Jeff created for Christian metal band, Stryper, as part of a contest to promote one of their new songs, Te Amo. This was his interpretation of a ‘live’ concert video from footage that he personally filmed, recorded, edited/directed.
Jeff’s video was selected as one of the ‘Top Ten Videos’ per Strypers’ panel of judges, won first place for the ‘Live Concert Video’ category via fan voting, and came in second place, overall, in the band’s contest to select a fan created video for …
Opportunity Is What You Make Of It

As a retired employee, I’d like to share some feelings and attitudes about my experiences working for Corporate Business Solutions (CBS).
CBS, from my perspective, is a company that sells exceptional opportunities for success.
From the very beginning of my long association, the company has always been primarily a fountain of ever-flowing opportunity, both for its clients and for its employees.
CBS clients, owners of small to medium sized businesses, are afforded valuable and essential opportunities through a list of services that includes all of the vital tools which allow companies to prosper. CBS’ expertise within each product offering is …
Bonding Over Baseball!

Once again, the Corporate Business Solutions team was treated to a glorious summer day of baseball—here’s a shout out and a big thank you to President Tyler Burgess! We left business behind and focused on strikes, balls, and homeruns. It was great to reconnect in the informal atmosphere of the ballpark!
Our future’s so bright, we have to wear shades!
Big screen TVs in the clubhouse made certain that
we didn’t miss any of the action while fueling up!
Contributing To Our Community

At Corporate Business Solutions, giving back to our community not only involves the entire office, but often our families, as we strive to be an example for our children and to support their efforts to also contribute.
We were very excited to learn that Rich’s daughter, Lindsey, was participating in the ‘Miss Junior Pageant’ in her local town to help raise awareness for her personal cause of finding a cure for cancer (her Dad is a thyroid cancer survivor).
She cut her hair and donated the locks to create wigs for children fighting cancer via Locks of Love as well …