Posts by Ken DiPrima
CBS Consulting Asks: Does Your Business Need Spring Training?

The pop of a baseball smacking into a catcher’s mitt. The crack of a bat sending a line drive into the outfield. The grunt of men doing wind sprints…
These sounds are a definite sign that spring is just around the corner!
Sites, in both Florida and Arizona, host the thirty Major League baseball teams’ Spring Training. This annual event is both highly practical as well as significantly symbolic.
Every spring, hundreds of hopeful young ball players are given the opportunity to participate in the training camps of these major league teams. They have the chance to “show their stuff” …
Only One Chance To Make A First Impression In Sales

One of the more fascinating aspects of sales is finding out why a sales call didn’t result in a sale. Why did that prospect ultimately say no? What turned him against you and your services? Was it that the product/service that was being offered had no application to him or his business? Could it have been something that you said, or did, which prohibited you from opening a closed mind, or worse yet, closed an open mind?
Clients make critical decisions and assessments within the very first seconds of a sales call. A salesperson’s positive initial impact can open otherwise …
Lie, Cheat & Steal To Close A Sale?

Every salesperson, without exception, has been in situations where stretching the truth or omitting a crucial fact about the product or service being offered, seems to be the solution to closing the sale. Sales made under false pretenses, no matter how slight, will only result in a negative reflection on the salesperson and, more importantly, stain the reputation of the company.
It makes little difference how good are the products or services provided, if they differ even in the slightest from what was promised by the salesperson. People expect to receive exactly what they bargained for, not a quasi facsimile, …
How Does A Business Owner Create A Competitive Advantage?

Imagine ten businesses, all providing the same services or products, all selling to the same customers, all drawing from the same labor pool, located on the same street within a half mile stretch. Experience shows that these ten companies will exhibit a wide spectrum of success.
On one end of the spectrum, you’ll find a business which is booming, whose showroom/office/store front is picture perfect, who enjoys the highest level of customer satisfaction, whose profits are greatest, and whose employees are happiest. The community looks to them with civic pride.
On the other end of the spectrum, you’ll find a …
Opportunity Is What You Make Of It

As a retired employee, I’d like to share some feelings and attitudes about my experiences working for Corporate Business Solutions (CBS).
CBS, from my perspective, is a company that sells exceptional opportunities for success.
From the very beginning of my long association, the company has always been primarily a fountain of ever-flowing opportunity, both for its clients and for its employees.
CBS clients, owners of small to medium sized businesses, are afforded valuable and essential opportunities through a list of services that includes all of the vital tools which allow companies to prosper. CBS’ expertise within each product offering is …