Posts by Carrie Ann Green
Racing For The Cure

Corporate Business Solutions employees were happy to support Jim and his wife Liz as they ran the Susan B. Komen 5k Chicagoland Race for the Cure. Jim raised approximately $700, an amount that ranked him at #34 of individual fundraisers at the event.
Liz and Jim at the Komen 5k Race for the Cure in Lombard, IL.
The money raised per the Komen site, “funds breast health education, breast cancer screening, treatment, treatment support and patient navigation services to uninsured and underserved women and men in need. Seventy-five percent (75%) of net proceeds generated by the Chicago Affiliate are …
Who Is The Fastest Of Them All?

At Corporate Business Solutions, employees support each other’s health goals, everything from working out together at a local health club, to some good nature competition as to who is in the best shape via weekly weigh-ins.
After some good natured ribbing about who was the fastest runner, a race from the end of the company parking lot to the front door was arranged to occur after work to forever settle the issue.
Our two competitors, Brent and Jay, changed into their fitness gear and headed outside to race. Employees gathered to cheer at the impromptu finish line (a roll of …
CBS Meeting Ends with a Scrumptious Dinner Buffet

After a weekend of intense workshops and seminars regarding the latest government regulations and tax changes that will affect our clients, attendees relaxed with informal dress for some casual networking at the dinner buffet.
We were delighted that many attendees brought their significant others!
There was a great selection of dishes.
Need to save room for dessert!
President Tyler Burgess poses with an attendee.
As he did, throughout the event, President Tyler Burgess made himself available for any private one-on-ones and to personally address any concerns that employees may be facing.
CBS Reviews: A Significant Impact On Our Bottom Line

A residential and commercial plumbing and HVAC contracting firm was in need of more accurate financial reporting system as well as a tune-up of their operations and sales guidelines.
With the assistance of their Corporate Business Solutions’ consultant, the client was able to hire a new office manager/bookkeeper as well as set up “policies and procedures for the many issues that we face on a day-to-day basis such as job descriptions, expectations from employees, discipline policies and more.”
Other changes included “a formal incentive plan to help motivate our employees and increase productivity. We have also set up …
CBS Reviews: We Could Realize A Cost Saving Of As Much As $150,000.00

A client’s supply business “was suffering from a lack of a structured sales and customer service plan for some time, now.” They were also experiencing a lack of organization in delivery, “as most of the product was being delivered to the customers via our truck and some shipped via UPS.”
The Corporate Business Solutions’ consultant started with “analyzing these and a number of other issues. He quickly began a process of sales training for the account managers. Product delivery was then addressed as he designed a plan to include the cost of outgoing shipping charges in the cost …
CBS Reviews: CBS Has Become Part Of Our Team

Implementation and achievement of goals was a problem for this client in the manufacturing services industry.
Once the Corporate Business Solutions arrived, “it was obvious that they had a complete grasp of what is needed to make a company successful.” After first analyzing the problems, strategic planning and goal setting happened. “Implementation was not a problem. There was a flurry of important value packages developed and implemented. In only a few short weeks, our consultant created a functional organization, developed new positions, filled the new positions, and trained employees.”
“With the positions filled, we now have implemented …
Pineapple Day at Corporate Business Solutions

Per Wikipedia, “In the Caribbean, Europe and North America, the pineapple became associated with the return of ships from extended voyages, and an emblem of welcome and hospitality that made its way into contemporary art.”
It has a similar symbolism here at CBS, when Mark will bring in a large pineapple and then prepare it to share with other employees in his department. Like Mr. Rogers in ‘Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood’ changing from his work clothes, Mark will slip on his Jamaica hoodie to protect his business shirt and tie from splatter and then set about carving the pineapple.
Everyone …
CBS Tailgating Event Was A Huge Success!

For the final corporate softball game of the season, Corporate Business Solutions organized an employee tailgating event to cheer on our team. Family and friends gathered to enjoy grilled burgers and dogs as well as a perfect summer evening.
The game was a nail-biter. At one point, we were down ten to one, but our players rallied. They ended the season with a decisive victory, winning the game with a final score of eighteen to eleven!
Team photo with Coach Dave (front, center)
Softball—The Traditional Team Building Exercise

While some new-age management consultants may advise dropping backwards into a colleague’s arms (and trusting him or her to catch you), here at Corporate Business Solutions, we appreciate the team bonding that naturally occurs when playing softball.
Not to mention that it’s also great exercise!
We’re part of a Park District League where we have the opportunity to play against other local area businesses. Frankly, there are even some networking opportunities to be found in hitting the fields. Come check out the highlights from one of our recent games!
CBS Reviews: We Were Able To See Immediate Results

After forty years in business, a landscape supply company was dealing with the repercussions from the departure of a key person in their management team and then the death of the firm’s co-founder. While they were able to keep the business going, they were operating on a day-to-day basis and not planning for future. Corporate Business Solutions was set to the task of addressing these managerial issues.
An analyst from CBS quickly identified several clear gaps in the company structure that required immediate attention such as creating a succession plan and allowing the remaining co-founder to enjoy an …