Posts by Carrie Ann Green
CBS Reviews: Working Together To Develop A Profitable Future

A home furnishing retailer with three locations, engaged retail Corporate Business Solutions’ services for a turn-around project. After being in business close to 20 years, “from a start-up retail operation to a multi-million dollar company, we are nearly bankrupt and suffer from severe Cash Flow challenges. We also have family and a divorce between the owners, who both still work in the company, which presents its own unusual circumstances. All in all, we do not have the best environment to worth with for a turn around, much less a successful business.”
Their CBS business consultant has “filtered through …
We’re Supporting Our Local Food Pantry At Corporate Business Solutions

Ken carries the first bin of donations.
One cause that CBS Consulting employees feel very strongly about is fighting hunger.
Our employees have organized multiple events to prevent hunger such as packing seeds and packing ready-to-serve meals as well as collecting food and other necessities (such as paper plates, paper towels, toilet paper, diapers, aluminum foil, soap, shampoo, etc.), during our office’s Annual Food Drive for the Libertyville Food Pantry.
While employees can see the empty bins fill with grocery items, only our facilities crew has actually experienced the joy of delivering our donations to the Food Pantry. Ken and …
Wearing The Green!

At Corporate Business Solutions, we showed our St. Patrick’s Day spirit by wearing green attire and accessories! Here are some scrapbook worthy highlights!
CBS Reviews: We Now Have The Tools To Grow & Evolve

Corporate Business Solutions was the first experience with business consulting for this plumbing contractor needing to deal with growing pains.
“I feel that it has been a great match for someone at my stage of growth in business. In the last few years, my business has increased significantly, but it has been operating inefficiently for much of that time. We had been putting out fires, but not really moving forward.”
The client worked closely with his CBS consultant and praised his demeanor as “thoughtful, attentive, calm and friendly–even under stressful circumstances and working with difficult people.”
Further, “he …
CBS Reviews: Well Worth The Investment

A full service distributor of packaging equipment and supplies required Corporate Business Solutions for a software conversion project among other business enhancements.
“We were a little apprehensive at first, before we began, regarding the cost, but as it progressed, we discovered that we really needed a great deal of assistance to improve our business practices.
The biggest help will be the implementation of QuickBooks that will replace our complicated and costly software. Please feel free to warn any of your other clients not to use that software, as it was a royal pain in the behind. You helped …
Warm Fuzzies For Valentine’s Day!

Holidays at Corporate Business Solutions are an opportunity to let the creativity of our coworkers shine. This dessert themed potluck was no exception. Deb, our centerpiece maestro (in the photo below), created the two adorable ‘warm fuzzies,’ large-eyed creatures that appear way too cute to eat (although, we managed!). We also had two heart shaped Rice Krispie treats, two Baker’s Square silk pies (chocolate and peanut butter), and many more delectable goodies.
Sweet holiday wishes, especially for our restaurant and retail clients
to rake in impressive Valentine’s Day sales!…
CBS Reviews: Getting By Was Getting Old

The owner of a machine shop specializing in custom metal fabrication engaged Corporate Business Solutions to change the way that he ran his business. “I started the company ten years ago, just me, some welding machines and very little money. We were now up to thirteen employees and $1.5m in revenue, but still experiencing cash flow issues. We were ‘getting by,’ but that was getting old, as we were all working too hard to just stay afloat.”
When the CBS consultant came in, “the first thing he did was to remove me from the day-to-day duties of running …
CBS Reviews: Made Our Life Easier!

A client with a company offering funeral products and services utilized his team at CBS Consulting to bring clarity to financial operations, modernize his business systems and processes, and provide mentoring and guidance to management.
“Wow! What an experience!” From a CBS representative calling, “this began a chain of great educational events with some great new friends. CBS, thank you for sharing some of your best people with us.”
First, there was the CBS analyst, who “continues to be part of the growth mechanism from afar as he has helped me with answering questions about a couple competitors …
CBS Reviews: Major Improvements Have Been Made

The client, a Solar Energy company owned by a man and his three sons, brought Corporate Business Solutions in, “because our dad wanted to retire and the three of us struggled to take over and run the business due to personal issues, etc. We were not making much headway, which made it impossible for our dad to retire. One of us needed to be in charge.” An exit strategy plan was needed!
The CBS team worked to strengthen the existing management infrastructure, so that the current owner would be able to finally enjoy his retirement. “CBS helped us …
CBS Delivers Happiness With Toys For Tots!

A charity that receives a huge amount of support at Corporate Business Solutions is Toys For Tots (we had collection boxes in every department). Liza, once again, organized the donations with reminder emails and posters hung throughout our offices (she also collected cash from those employees who were too busy to shop and she hit the Black Friday sales for even more toys). Our employees responded with great generosity.
This little cutie stopped by the office to donate toys for Toys For Tots
(she’s clearly on Santa’s good list!).